For your convenience you can pay your co-pay online using PayPal third party service.
Special COVID Alert!
We are out of Puritan Swabs that we were selling at cost to Maine facilities-Sorry!
Nordx and the county emergency centers have swabs available upon request.
For your convenience you can pay your co-pay online using PayPal third party service.
Special COVID Alert!
We are out of Puritan Swabs that we were selling at cost to Maine facilities-Sorry!
Nordx and the county emergency centers have swabs available upon request.
- You don’t need a PayPal account to use the system
- Call us during business hours if technical problems
- You may send a check to our office if you prefer

Pay your co-pay here!
Pay your co-pay here!
Please don’t forget to include patient name first please.
Get in Touch
Get in Touch
If you are living at a facility covered by our practice you can enjoy the convenience of in-house care with more frequent visits that meet your needs. We provide specialty geriatric care that happens to be the most convenient option for you. Contact us to learn more about our services and to request a visit by one of our providers.
Service Area
Service Area
Select facilities in
Southern Maine and Coastal NH
Business Hours
Business Hours
We are at our facilities on set days, and will do your visit in the comfort of your own apartment.
Or send us an inquiry Form
Or send us an inquiry Form
Please feel free to contact us with any questions
Office #: 207-780-6565 or Email us
Office Address: 22 West Cole Road, Biddeford, ME 04005